Why One

Worry-Free Roaming

Stay in control of roaming bills with flat rate roaming from only $10/day.

Dedicated Business Support

World-Class support to help your business with device and account management.

Leading Mobile Provider

Largest mobile provider in Bermuda to support your business needs.

Unlimited Data Plans

Eliminate costly data overages with Unlimited Data Plans

Voice over LTE

With Voice Over LTE technology, you’ll enjoy a better calling experience on your smartphone. The introduction of the VoLTE service will bring improved voice quality, longer-lasting battery life, and multi-app usage while making a call.

Enable VoLTE

Carry-On Roaming

Flat rate roaming from only $10/day, no need to pre-register. You can now Carry-On using your smartphone while traveling with complete control of your data roaming bill. No overages, no surprises.

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Discover More Business Solutions

Our 50GB LTE Backup solution provides a reliable backup Internet connection so your business functions, such as point of sale remain connected. Your 50GB of data can be pooled with our Business Smartphone plans to enjoy more data when your LTE Back up is not in use.

50GB LTE Backup
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