SmartPhone Plans
Introducing UNLIMITED data plans with no overages! Our Plans range from 15GB to Unlimited data with 200GB at Full-Speed, and include voicemail, and call display.

How Do The Unlimited Plans Work?
Our Unlimited plans include 50GB, 100GB and 200GB of full-speed data, followed by unlimited data at reduced speeds. Continue using your unlimited data throughout the month with no overages.
Unlimited Plan Options
Standard Plan Options

Carry-On Roaming
You’re now in complete control to carry on using your smartphone while travelling overseas. Arrange transportation, touch base with family and friends, make dinner arrangements and more — it’s all quick, easy and more affordable than ever.
What does reduced speeds mean?
To protect against unfair usage, we will reduce the speed for mobile data use after the 50GB, 100GB or 200GB of full-speed data is finished.
The speed could be reduced to 256kbps.
What can I do with my data at reduced speeds?
- Emails with Text and Messaging Services (WhatsApp, iMessage etc.)
- Voice Calling (WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Teams, etc.)
- Internet and Social Media browsing
- Videos will take longer to load and may have reduced quality.
- Video calling is not recommended.
Can I purchase more Full-Speed data?
Yes! Another 10GB of Full-Speed Data can be purchased for $15.
Text “FAST” to 7000 to purchase the pack. The pack can also be purchased through the My Account portal, by selecting My Plan, and Add Ons.
How will I know if my Full-Speed Data is finished?
You will receive a text message one you have reached 90% and 100% of your Full-Speed data. You can continue to use your data at reduced speeds with no overage charges or, an add-on data pack can be purchased at any time.
Terms and Conditions
*Once you have reached the full-speed data allotment of your plan, you will continue to have access to data services, with no overage charges, at a reduced speed of up to 256 kilobits per second (for both upload and download) until the end of your current billing cycle. Applications such as email, web browsing, apps, and audio/video streaming will continue to function at a reduced speed. We will send you a text message notifying you when you have used 90% and 100% of the full-speed data allotment included in your plan with the option to purchase more full-speed data.