Purchase a Laptop or iPad with our Loyalty Program
When it comes to upgrading your laptop or iPad, the Loyalty Program is available to help you secure the lowest price for your new device.

What is the Loyalty Program?
FibreWire Smart Internet and Home Bundle subscribers are eligible to take advantage of the Loyalty Program, which provides discounts on the devices you need to stay connected. The longer you maintain your services with One, the larger the discounts you will receive on your favourite devices.
How does the Loyalty Program Work?
- When you purchase a device on the Loyalty Program, you receive a discount which is applied to the Retail Price of the device. The value of the discount depends on the service plan you subscribe to at the time of purchase
- The value of the Loyalty Discount you receive becomes the Loyalty Balance. This balance is what you would need to pay back if you decide to upgrade to another device or cancel your service
- For as long as you maintain your service subscription, you never make a monthly payment towards the Loyalty Balance. We (One) will pay down your Loyalty Balance on your behalf each month until it reaches $0. This takes place over 24 or 36 months, depending on the options you choose while purchasing the device.
- At any time and for any reason, you can decide to pay off the remaining, decreased Loyalty Balance. You might do this in order to upgrade to your next device on the NLoyalty Program, or you might want to cancel your service subscription entirely.
- This means you can upgrade your device as often as you want, and always save money. To maximize your savings, simply keep your subscription service active until the Loyalty Balance reaches $0, and then feel free to start again with a new device.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this program lock me into a long term contract?
- No. At any time and for any reason, you can decide to pay off your remaining, decreased Loyalty Balance. The balance owed depends on how long you have been on the Loyalty Program.
- Even if you decide to leave after 3 months, you will have saved money on your device!
- You purchase a $1,200 Laptop on the Loyalty Program, with the 24 month (standard) option
- You subscribe to FibreWire 350, which is eligible for a $1,000 Loyalty Discount
- You pay $200 for the Laptop up front, and your Loyalty Balance is $1,000
If you decide to cancel your FibreWire Internet service after…
- 6 months (18 remaining) – The balance will have reduced to $750, so you will have saved $250 overall
- 12 months (12 remaining) – The balance will have reduced to $500, so you will have saved $500 overall
- 18 months (6 remaining) – The balance will have reduced to $250, so you will have saved $750 overall
- 24 months (0 remaining) – Balance is $0! Time for a new Laptop, or TV, or Tablet!
What are the different "term" options, and what do they mean?
The Loyalty Program comes with 2 “term” options:
Standard = 24 months: The Loyalty Balance is paid down by One over a period of 24 months
- This is a good option for customers who want to upgrade their devices more often because the Loyalty Balance reduces at a faster rate. This option is also best for lower-cost devices.
Premium = 36 months: The Loyalty Balance is paid down by One over a period of 36 months
- This option comes with a significantly larger Loyalty Discount and is used mainly for high-cost devices or devices that don’t need to be upgraded as often.
How is the Loyalty Balance Calculated?
On the day you purchase the device on the Loyalty Program, the value of the discount you receive becomes your Loyalty Balance
Each month that you maintain the related service subscription, One pays down your Loyalty Balance by an equal amount. This amount is the total Loyalty Balance divided by the term (24 or 36 months) chosen during the device purchase.
Example 1: $750 Loyalty Balance on the 24 month term option
- One pays down the balance each month by $750 / 24 = $31.25
Example 2: $1,000 Loyalty Balance on the 36 month term option
- The balance reduces each month by $1,000 / 36 = $27.78
Do I need a credit card to sign up?
Yes, we need to have a valid credit card on record. Please bring a valid credit card and ID to make any postpaid-related purchases. The name on the valid ID must match the name on the credit card.