What your bill looks like after changing your plan
Upgrading your mobile plan
By upgrading, we mean that you move to a plan that provides you with more voice or data. We remove the old plan, add the new plan and retro-date it for the beginning of the same month as if you had the new plan from the 1st of that month. This is especially helpful if you have incurred any local overage charges since any usage that falls within the new plan allowance will not be billed as an overage. If your overage exceeds the new upgraded plan allowance, then you will still incur overage charges.
On your next bill you will see a full credit for the old plan and a full month’s charge for the new plan on your bill along with one month plan fee in advance.
E.g. On September 1, the plan was upgraded from an an older 6 GB Unlimited Talk and Text Smartphone plan to the 6 GB LTE Plan which offers more features.
- Prorate 6GB LTE Smartphone Plan-Plan fee for Sept. 1-30
- Prorate Unlimited Talk and Text 6GB (old plan)-One month plan credit
- 6 GB LTE Smartphone Plan-Plan fee 1 month in advance

Downgrading your mobile plan
By downgrading, we mean that you move to a plan with less voice or data. We remove the old plan and add the new plan immediately. We credit you for the unused portion of your plan based on how many days were remaining in the month when we downgraded the plan. *Please note that the World Traveller plan is a flat $25 per month.
E.g. On August 9, the plan was downgraded from the 40 GB Unlimited Talk and Text Smartphone plan to the 2 GB LTE Smartphone plan.
- Prorate 2GB LTE Smartphone Plan-Plan fee for Aug.9-31
- Prorate Unlimited Talk and Text 40GB (old plan)-Credit for unused portion of the plan Aug. 9-31
- 2GB LTE Smartphone Plan-Plan fee 1 month in advance
FibreWire TV, FibreWire Internet and Home Phone
Upgrading or downgrading your TV or Internet plan
You will see prorated credits for the unused portion of the plan from the date you changed your plan until the end of the month along with prorated charges for the new plan from the date you changed your plan until the end of the month.
FibreWire Internet plan fees are broken down into 2 charges, one for Fibrewire Access and one for FibreWire Internet. These 2 lines total the plan cost.
*Please note for FibreWire TV, season sports packages are charged a one time fee so adding or removing them will not result in prorated credits or charges
E.g. On Sept. 13, the plan was upgraded from 45 mbps to 65 mbps.
- Prorate 45 Mbps Fibrewire Access credit -41.40 for unused portion of the old plan
- Prorate 45 Mbps Fibrewire Internet credit -23.63 for the unused portion of the old plan
- Prorate 65 Mbps Fibrewire Access 44.35 for the new plan
- Prorate 65 Mbps Fibrewire Internet 32.50 for the new plan
- 65 Mbps Fibrewire Access 75.00 1 month in advance
- 65 Mbps Fibrewire Internet 54.95 1 month in advance